There's an exciting information for the lovers of World of warcraft that is the latest expansion--Mists of Pandaria has been coming out. Players could step into the new journey and discover the new tasks in WOW to get plenty of excitement and fun. The World of warcraft never let its lovers experience frustrated.The Mists of Pandaria shows the kingdom of Pandaria which is the home of Pandaren competitors in a mysterious island. Pandaria is a area with a cover of mists that seems to be in the midst of the fight of the Partnership and the Group.

This new development delivers the various new entertainments to players. You can get the new character class--Monk, new competitors, new field and tasks, new process ways of dungeon that is 5-player time trial and new pet fights, a new whole circumstances of the encounter is for you to discover. With the new development appearing, the new level cap for skills system is also improve to the level 90. It is definitely more complicated and insane in love with enjoying the encounter.The new figures in the Pandaren consist of the Mage, Preacher, Seeker, Soldier, Fake or Shaman. And they are restricted to be the Loss of life knights in combat, Druids and Warlocks, and the Monk category can be involved in these three categories or develop kinds. A Pandaren can become a container like Brewmaster, a healbot like Mistweaver and a harm dealer like Windwalker depending on what category the players choose Cheap WOW Gold. Priests are the experts of military affairs specializing in near fights and melee fights.

During the fights, the Priests attack the competitors by throwing ongoing combos and impressive means which are their unique harm capabilities. However, the Pandaren has a unique function that players have to choose what faction to be a part of while you attaining a given level and start questing outside the Pandaria. With your decision, a Pandaren will be then one of the faction associates of the Partnership and the Group, so your decision is very important.The new dungeon ways and circumstances are also exciting for discovering. The new ways for 5-player time trial will be using the coordination and teamwork of one group, this is a new process for players. In this aspect, you have to execute with your teamers to power together. The congregate power is always larger than alone, you'll appreciate this new technique.

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